Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Random Image Wednesday

I am thinking of making this a regular fixture. I search the internet so you don't have to.
Awkward - or More love and Peace in the World?
The Doorbell speaks for itself.
If Heather Loved You Randy - She would so be getting you this shirt.
For Eric and Shawn - Get a Life!!
A New Level of Awesomeness


Nessa said...

Ha- See, I check your blog! I like the lobster knife fight the best!

Heather said...

Engineers ARE responsible for the worlds largest erections.

Anonymous said...

REALLY Heather, personal knowledge?

Anonymous said...

I have a life. And it has a rich enhancement of music-based gaming. BTW, I would so buy that card. In bulk.


meredith said...

Shawn- Whenever I talk to you you're been exhausted and incredibly busy, when did you find time to check out blogs???? You are so busted........