Friday, August 22, 2008

TREET: My sonambulism is out of control

Every day when I go to work I have several emails which supposedly I sent, which purport to contain XXX videos of Angelina Jolie or Paris Hilton. I have yet to open one, but I know how stubborn I can be. Eventually I will wear myself down.

Other junk emails I have received subject lines:
Bush finally reads job description.
Iran kicks America in the nuts.
Madonna's home destroyed by Jesus.
McCain vows to replace the secret service with his own bare fist.
Scientists warn of new global luke warming trend.
Heather to have other leg removed (ed: more sympathy for DWTS I guess)
AL Qaeda reports revenues declining n fiscal 2008
John McCain: I promise to invade your vaginas.
Martian soil fantastic for growing weed says NASA.

And the one I was almost tempted to open because it was hitting humor on so many levels.

Attack of the Zombie Negroes: Dick Cheney

*In my parts we call junk emails TREET out of respect.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Good idea. i don't even like calling it what other people call it.