Friday, August 22, 2008

Catharsis ain't just a river in Greece

Most of you probably grew up watching and enjoying the Richmeister starting inane conversations with his coworkers as they tried to make copies. As great as that was, having one in your actual office, sitting next to your actual copier, starting even more pointless conversations is one of the most bloody annoying things in the world.

Women in her forties, talks in a high pitched baby voice, talks at a volume any normal person would only use to get someone's attention half a dozen cubicles away, always talking about herself, and top it off with the most incessant. pointless laugh ever heard. Imagine a pressure cooker with nervous laughs contained in it. The pressure gets to much and little forced giggles get released, ALL THE BLOODY TIME!! And she is laughing at things only she and maybe Golden Oldies radio show hosts find funny.

Talking out loud to herself (in high pitch sing song): "That's me. I get it done. I'm thorough. Thorough, thorough, thorough. Hey, I am a thoroughbred. The Kentucky Derby!"

Everytime you get close to her she starts making out-loud open ended statements just hoping you will engage her in conversation. I am actually walking to the other copier in the building just to avoid it. If you do talk she will begin saying Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah repeatedly.

Okay, I feel better. We did pass on this story and hoped for the best.

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