Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Feminist My Butt

How come if we are all equal, and no jobs are designated as one person or another, do I always have to be the one to take this:
and make it look like this.
Every Single Freaking Time!! How come?


Heather said...

Because we REALLY don't want to do it! That is seriously one of the jobs I HATE the most!

I ask Randy to do it, and sometimes it sits on the counter for days. Or sometimes I pull it out and it still has crap on it from the last time we used it. Randy claims it "gives it better flavor" when it has the old stuff still on it. Gross.

Lisa should thank you for taking such a horrible task on and actually doing a really good job! I feel for you. believe me!

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

Hey you are a really fantastic husband who has shown the rest of us up, but I think this is one of the easier task you take on.

Nessa said...

David- you're a guy...us wives just sit around dreaming up meaningless, tiring, frustrating tasks for you to do!

Kris said...

I am really tempted to send you a before and after picture of the toilets in our house...my job!

Shawn said...

yet there is no mention here of unwanted visitors with 6+ legs. . .

Anonymous said...

This is classic. I linked to this post on my blog!
