Monday, November 24, 2008

That's How I Roll

We had Stake Priesthood Meeting last night, so per tradition we all met up at the Bishop's house and then car-pooled over to the Stake Center. I wanted to listen to real music for the hour drive so I quickly volunteered to take the young men because all the other adults have a stick up their butts when it comes to music. I had the Ipod on shuffle and when this song came on, ALL OF THEM knew the words and began singing along - even the metal head.

I also introduced them to Jimmy Buffet

Some songs are classics for a reason.


Unknown said...

Look s just like Gunnar and Rex when they hear the song. uncanny how much these two look like them.

Paige said...

you know why they all know it, church dances, they have such a limited collection of approved music. so sad, I can't even stand to listen to it