Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A New Family First

Our boys have been working overtime. First we have a call from Gunnar's teacher letting us know he had been written up for removing his pants in class - his excuse - "I thought it would be funny."

Today we get a call from the POLICE concerning Qatar.

Life lesson, just because something looks abandon, doesn't mean you can break it for fun. Qatar was with a group of kids when two of them decided to destroy a display sign. He didn't actually break anything but he was there with them all the same.

The jury, so to speak, is still out on this case.


Spaz said...

I Blame the Parents

Heather said...

I'm with Randy on this one. They must have gotten it from somewhere. I mean, I bet you break stuff all the time with your pants off. You have to learn that they watch the things you do!

Unknown said...

I blame the parents too.