Friday, April 25, 2008

A Death in the Family

Our beloved Washer kicked the bucket this week. The repair bill was going to be $450 so we just decided to get a new one.
We originally went to The Home Depot, but they said we would have to wait two weeks for delivery.


We have five kids. So we went to the local appliance store and it should be here this afternoon


Heather said...

Have you heard of these magical places called laundry mats? Don't know if it is an urban myth or not, but supposedly, you take your laundry to these places and you can use their washers and dryers for a small fee. Crazy I know!

TStevens said...

Have you tried to do five kids worth of laundry?? We are to old for that; way to old.

meredith said...

My laundry room OFTEN looks like this and my machine works.